Community Spotlight: Maurice Du Monde

yoga fort lauderdale

Meet Maurice du Monde, a wonderful member of our community. If you come to the studio regularly, you likely already know him, as he makes sure that no one is a stranger. When you talk to Maurice, you immediately get a sense of the gratitude he feels for this city and the people in it. Recently, he began a project called GoodVibesFTL to share his love for Fort Lauderdale, and we sat down with him to learn more. Read on to be inspired by his enthusiasm. It’s infectious!

LOY: What was the inspiration behind creating Good Vibes Fort Lauderdale?

Maurice: This is our first full year living in awesome Ft. Lauderdale beach! As locals able to just step outside and enjoy our gorgeous city, all one sees is beautiful smiles and the happiness we all feel in our paradise. GoodVibesFTL is our way to share, as an all inclusive community, our collective appreciation and love for the many wonderful experiences in Ft. Lauderdale.

LOY: What has the response been like?

Maurice: As expected the response has been amazing! Everyone we talk to is open to sharing their adventures, pets’ pictures + favorite picnic spots, etc. Those here only for a few days along with long time residents, we all take part in this happiness!

LOY: What do you love about living in this community?

Maurice: Ft. Lauderdale is a vibrant and thriving community. The number of options we enjoy everyday are simply incredible! Most impressive, however, is the increased awareness and commitment by our residents to taking care of our city. This is what’s truly inspiring and something we should all be fully invested in.

LOY: Where do you see Good Vibes heading in the future, or what is your hope?

Maurice: The only goal w/GoodVibesFTL is that with each interaction, our appreciation for our awesome city is reinforced. We all know sharing IS caring! Gratitude for our lives and connections to each other is imperative to our happiness.

LOY: What is your favorite yoga pose? 

Maurice: I love tree pose! As simple as it may appear, I personally feel this is a barometer for tranquility. It’s been unattainable when the minds’ is all over the place lol   It really is the perfect diagnostics tool.

If you’d like to submit your own pics, send them to GoodVibesFTL via email or post them on Instagram using one the of the following hashtags: #GoodVibesFTL #GoodVibesFTLpets #GoodVibesFTLlove
